Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

How to make $1200+ Every Single Day (VERY SIMPLE METHOD) NO BS!

Remember: "99% of people won't do anything, and the 1% of us that do, make 99% of the money"

Yo! Want some of that green stuff?

Wooow.. wait a minute! I'm talking about that green paper :stupid:

-- This CPA method is top secret --

It's from VIP from another forum so keep it quiet MMDers!!
I didn't invent this method but I want to share it with you

Read the WHOLE THING before posting, Please So here it goes: :stupid:

Well, this was going to be my famous "Share of The Week," without a CPA method, but who am I kidding?

You guys wouldn't look up to me if I just shared templates and no good stuff. I've actually seen poeple implement this technique and seen over 1K in profit everyday in some cases

The Method:

Download the template given and upload it to a site of your choice (something like "http://www.TravelToTheRica.com") -- that domain is actually available lol. Or you can do something along the lines of (http://www.click2travelnow.com) -- available too. With that you can use sub-domains to customize like hawaii.click2travelnow.com

Okay, so you guys know I love CPA and I bet you're asking "Black, where the hell is the money at?"

Once you set up the site with the template and customize it to however you like -- here's where I integrate CPA to cash in

By the way:

You can go for costa rica if you want considering your competition looks like shit

Costa Rica Travel and Map
# 1 Amazing Travel Costa Rica Vacations Packages, Family Trips & Group Tours

-- Anyways --

Head over to your affiliate network and find a nice email submit regarding travel (like marketleverage has some nice ones and they also have a contest going on- http://www.marketleverage.com/travel-aug-promo/) or you can sign up as an affiliate to hotels.com,orbitz.com,priceline.com,etc.

Now once you get a nice little link for let's say an email submit that pays $3 for an escape to costa rica vacation. You hop online and post some ads to ******list selling your tickets/or whatever in the free section. This is where you have to be just a little creative (it's what makes the method unique and yours).

I suggest also hopping on video sites and uploading videos of scenery of the place and then a screen at the last 10 seconds saying "To Win A (2) Night Stay In Hawaii - Be One of The First (50) Visitors To: http://www.yourdomainwithtemplate.com"

Then, when (haha that rhymes) the visitor visits your page, have them fill out when they want their dates and blah blah blah. Then cloak your link with a site like bit.ly or your own tinyurl type site (maybe tracking202) and when they click submit have them load to a loading page like orbitz has

Get an autoload picture at http://www.asco.org/ASCOv2/images/loading.gif or create your own type

and have a continue button under it -- once they click the continue button have them forwarded to the email submit page saying that they win free nights to (the place you choose like costa rica). They are extremely targeted and will enter in anything at this time. If you are really blackhat you can iframe the offer and have it as a "Get Your Coupon for (2) Free Nights" and "Enter a Valid Email Below" and crop the submit part. Then if you are even MORE blackhat, you will have them forwarded to another submit just to "verify email address"

Here's a dynamic trick to increase conversions ---- make the background color the same as the offer's background color so the whole site seems intact and flows easily

You can do this for any type of vacation, anywhere in the world. You can even go more in depth and do some Search Engine Optimization and offline marketing to get thousands of extra visitors.

If you just get 1000 measly visitors a day at a 8% conversion, you should be able to pull in about $400 a day. Now do 10 of these sites and you'll be sitting at a nice $4000 a day. If you choose Orlando, throw in a submit for free Disneyworld Tickets or Universal Studios tickets.
This method is long and complex because it works. Below is the full download for the beautiful template. Enjoy, and I look forward for success stories. Love you guys!!!

Ok Now the Resoureces for this method

The demo on official template moneter page:


The download link for the template (35.1MB): (if sombody can please upload it to mediafire)


You can register on that site and you can get anykind of template for free so there is no risk

So here you go! No go and pump some $$$$ in your accounts!


Sumber : http://bit.ly/13VJJxG


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