How to Get Traffic to A New Blog ??
1. Join Social networking sites.
Social networking sites also helps to bring more traffic to the site. You should plan to make a good and huge network on social networking sites.
2. Write Unique Conetent.
Try to write some interesting and meaningful contents. Stick to your topic in which you are writing. Publish articles on regular basic to get maintain flow of visits.
3. Make Readers Friendly Blog.
Ask readers what they want in your blog. You can ask your readers what they want from your site. Write post by asking reader’s choice. And Fast Reply of readers comment.
4. Leave Comments on Other Blogs.
Blog Commenting is very popular in these days and with the introduction of commnetLuv plugin this method has really changed the way to build backlinks. So Leave your comments on other related niche blogs. Leaving comments on different blogs will gives you an identity and you can also get some visits to your blog. Now a days Many Bloggers use comment luv plugin so comment luv provide better opportunities. Then you find High PageRank comment luv enable blogs for comments.
5. Apply Suitable Title to the Content.
Choosing attractive titles for your content. Content plays a vital role in your blogging career. Search engines finds the titles with attractive or catchy words that will help you to get more traffic. Catchy titles can also get you some links to your site.
6. Guest Posting on related niche blogs.
Guest posting is another great way to get some hits to your site. You can find someone’s blog which is related to your niche and write a guest post for them. Guest posting on other sites will pay you back a link to your site and if people love your content they will obviously visit your site.
7. Use social bookmarking sites.
Use social bookmarking sites like digg, stumbleupon, delicious, pinterest. Publish your post in these bookmarking sites can also get you too much traffic to your site.
8. Join High PageRank forums.
Join forums.Take part in forums post there,help other peoples.You can get few hundered hits to your site by putting your site’s link in your signature. Remember that do not spam in forums,otherwise you will be banned from those forums. If you are use descriptive anchor text in your sig file you will be rewarded with a high click through rate.Then you gain some popularity in the forum then use your blog link in your signature as well as in the posts. Here is a list of 500+ DoFollow Page Rank 5-9 forums list By Mohsin Ali Waheed .[link] Enjoy :)
9. On-page Optimization (back bone).
Focus in on-page optimization for getting organic traffic from search engines.
10. Email Signature.
Put your URL in your email signature. Many email clients allow to have a signature at the end of each mail. Put your site link as a signature.
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