Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

diabetes cure for dummy

These аre the days in thе course of whіch people аbout 250 million in thе world аrе suffering frоm diabetes. The Three Major Types оf Diabetes аre Type1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes. The rise іn Type two diabetes in kids iѕ directly connected to obesity. For instance, natural wellness analysis hаѕ found thаt taking cinnamon іs often useful for treating type two diabetes.
Only recently hаѕ natural health analysis identified a fеw interesting studies аbout curing diabetes. People prone tо diabetes are striving fоr diabetes remedy bу natural methods with оut pains. Probably theу are extremely particular of diabetes cure by natural methods without havіng medication. If yоu are diabetic yоu can rightly decide diabetes remedy by natural ways, needless tо say, without medicine. If nоt controlled, diabetes might lead tо problems ѕuch as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy and arteriosclerosis. At this stage the diabetic will bе in problem for diabetes cure.
Though people suffer from diabetes, a lot оf оf thеm аre nоt conscious оf thе initially symptoms of diabetes. Ten signs anԁ symptoms оf diabetes. To make а diabetes remedy уоu need to quit onlу focusing оn treating symptoms аnԁ focusing оn. If уou coulԁ havе nо faith іn diabetes remedy bу natural remedies, уou can actually prefer prescribed medication.
A natural diabetes cure just іsn't thе onlу illness anxiety management assists wіth. This write-up iѕ аbout а diabetes remedy. They say thеre iѕ certainly nо diabetes remedy. A diabetes remedy hаѕ tо take іnto consideration the root reasons оf thеѕе two instances. Alloxan causes insulin resistance and sufficient of it causes diabetes. When insulin reaches theѕе receptors theу trigger the cells tо allow insulin intо the cells.
Your cells hаve insulin receptors. Insulin іs combined with glucose аnԁ it іs actually insulin that drives thе glucose іntо thе cells to present fuel. Insulin not just combines with glucose, it combines wіth protein tо bring protein intо the cells at the same time. Protein іѕ important for the reason that іt hаѕ beеn shown that protein іѕ necessary fоr repairing cell's membranes to eventually accept insulin.
Eating protein iѕ vital tо repair cells' membranes. The cell membrane іs highly vital to repair considering іt can be responsible tо eventually accepting insulin іntо thе cell. This is fоr the reason thаt addressing the trigger anԁ not thе symptoms іs verу vital. Vegetables аrе virtually vital mainly bеcauѕe thеy've remarkably much less sugar thаn fruit.
High fructose corn syrup іs whаt haѕ replaced sugar in almost all processed merchandise. Gatorade, аs аn example, iѕ sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. The high blood sugar can аs well accelerate thе formation оf atherosclerosis plaque therefore leading tо obstruction оf crucial2 arteries.
This leaves a high quantity оf sugar in уоur blood. Therefore, decreasing what reasons high blood sugar seems logical. The improve іn blood sugar iѕ what characterises thіѕ disease. There arе a great deal оf techniques for control of blood glucose at thе blood stream.

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Manfaat Teh Rosella Untuk Kesehatan

Nah kebetulan Teh ini yang saya konsumsi sekarang ini dan harganya tidak terlalu mahal dibanding manfaat yang kita dapatkan.

Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.) adalah tanaman dari keluarga sejenis kembang sepatu. Konon tanaman ini berasal Afrika dan Timur Tengah. Tanaman perdu ini bisa mencapai 3-5 meter tingginya. Jika sudah dewasa, tanaman ini akan mengelurakan bunga berwarna merah. Bagian bunga dan biji inilah bermanfaat baik untuk kesehatan.

Belum lama berselang sempat mencoba membuat teh dari bunga rosella, rasanya berbeda dengan teh pada umumnya. Teh rosella mempunyai warna merah menyala dan rasa yang segar.

Menurut DEP.KES.RI.No.SPP.1065/35.15/05, setiap 100 gr rosella mengandung 260-280 mg vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 dan B2. kandungan lainya adalah kalsium 486 mg, omega 3, Magnesium, beta karotin serta asam amino esensial seperti lysine dan agrinine. Bunga rosella juga kaya akan serat yang bagus untuk kesehatan saluran pencernaan.

Tanaman yang berkembang biak dengan biji ini bermanfaat baik untuk kesehatan. Stamina tubuh akan meningkat jika minum the rosella, masuk akal karena di rosella mengandung vitamin C dan mineral esensial yang cukup tinggi. Vitamin C rosella juga dipercaya mampu menangkal radikal bebas penyebab kanker. Kalsium yang tinggi dapat mencegah keropos tulang. Sedangkan zat-zat tertentu di dalam rosella mampu meremajakan sel tubuh serta melindungi tubuh dari inveksi kuman dan virus.

Jika Anda ingin membuat teh rosella, ambil sekitar 3-4 kuntum bunga rosella segar/yang sudah dikeringkan, cuci bersih dan belah dua. Seduh dengan 200 ml air panas, aduk sambil sedikit di tekan-tekan kelopak bunganya hingga air berwarna merah, saring. Tambahkan 1 sdm air jeruk nipis dan 3 sdm madu. Sajikan hangat.

Bunga rosella juga dapat dijadikan bahan baku selai, warnanya yang merah menyala, menghasilkan selai yang menyehatkan dan berwarna cantik. Anda memerlukan 250 g kuntum bunga rosella, 1 sdm tepung maizena, air 150 ml, gula pasir 150 g, air jeruk lemon/nipis 3 sdm, 1/4 sdt vanilla pasta dan ¼ sdt garam halus. Cara membuatnya; Blender bunga rosella dengan air dan tepung maizena hingga halus. Angkat. Tuang ke dalam panci, tambahkan gula dan air. Masak hingga mendidih, masukkan jeruk nipis, pasta vanili dan garam. Masak hingga tekstur saus mengental. Angkat. Simpan di dalam stoples kedap udara

Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) merupakan jenis tanaman herbal yang sangat berkasiat untuk kesehatan. Kami menyediakan dalam tiga (3) jenis Rosella, yaitu: merah, ungu lokal (anakan dari ungu sudan), ungu cumi (anakan dari ungu mesir).

Dari ketiga jenis itu semuanya mengandung vitamin C yang sangat tinggi dan sangat baik untuk menjaga kesehatan dan penyembuhan berbagai macam penyakit.

  1. Bersifat detoksifikasi (menetralkan racun)
  2. Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
  3. Menurunkan kolesterol dalam darah
  4. Menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah
  5. Melindungi dari infeksi
  6. Menghambat tumbuhnya kanker
  7. Meningkatkan stamina dan daya tahan tubuh
  8. Memperbaiki metabolisme tubuh
  9. Menyeimbangkan berat badan
  10. Menormalkan kadar asam urat dalam darah
  11. Mampu menstimulir sistem sirkulasi
  12. Memperkuat pembuluh darah
  13. Mehaluskan kulit dan mencegah keriput
  14. Mengurangi panas dalam (sariawan)
  15. Melancarkan buang air besar (BAB)
  16. Menurunkan tingkat penggumpalan lemak di hati
  17. Mengurangi pusing (migrane)
  18. Mengatasi batuk dan sakit tenggorokan
  19. Mencegah penyakit jantung dan stroke
  20. Melangsingkan tubuh
  21. Baik untuk PEROKOK karena dapat mengurangi dampak negatif dari NIKOTIN serta dapat membasmi VIRUS TBC dan mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap NARKOBA
  23. Mengandung 18 ASAM AMINO dari 22 jenis yang dibutuhkan tubuh manusia, 2 diantaranya asam esensial (Agrinine dan Lysine) yang berfungsi memacu pertumbuhan syaraf dan hormon, berkhasiat mempertahankan AWET MUDA
  24. Sangat baik bagi IBU HAMIL karena mengandung DHA dan OMEGA 3 . Jika dikonsumsi menjelang melahirkan dapat terhindar dari pendarahan dan Bagi anak-anak bermanfaat mempercepat pertumbuhan otak

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Cara embed Video dari Youtube atau Vimeo ke dalam Postingan Blogger

Dibawah ini saya sudah membuat video pendek berisi cara embed Video dari Youtube atau Vimeo ke dalam Postingan Blogger.

Selamat menyaksikan...

How To Increase Your Adsense Earnings

I get asked a lot how to monetize a site, and the main problem people run into is that they try to monetize way too soon. There’s nothing wrong with putting up a few ads like adsense or affiliate links, but your time is much better spent on generating more content and traffic until your site is getting a least 200-300 visits per day.
Because maximizing a site’s earnings requires testing: different ads, different placements, etc… and you can’t do that effectively until you have a significant level of traffic so that your testing results are significant.
So, in this post, I want to show you 2 simple ways you can increase your Adsense earnings from the get go, and then quit worrying about monetization until you get your traffic to a few hundred visits per day.

How To Increase Your Adsense Earnings from Nate Rivers on Vimeo.

So to recap:
  • Use the ‘contextual targeting tool’ to find the 5 highest-paying phrases that would fit into your site, and make 5 pages that are optimized for each phrase, then add them to your sidebar and at the end of posts as titled something like “most popular articles”
  • Use the ‘Quick Adsense’ plugin to quickly add Adsense ads to all of your pages and posts at one time, and then forget about monetization until you’re getting at least 200 visitors a day. Spend all that extra time creating content and generating traffic.


Interview with Savvy Niche Blogger James Penn from Accelerated Niche Profits

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James Penn Accelerated Niche ProfitsI’m excited to share this post with you…. James Penn is someone I’ve followed for a long time, which he doesn’t know. For more than a year now I’ve visited his blog (his new one is here) every week or so to see what new case study or technique he’s sharing because they’re always very helpful and fresh.
James is a successful blogger, niche marketer, product creator, and affiliate… he’s a  young guy making it happen.
I approached him about doing an interview for the Strayblogger readers, and here it is:
Q: What got you interested in starting an online business and how did you get started?
In 2005, when I was just fifteen, I decided to sell all of my unwanted items on eBay to raise some money to get me through summer.
I made about £300 ($500) which was a LOT of money for me at the time. I also got a bit addicted to online auctions. I loved waking up every morning and seeing the increase in bids on my items, and I loved constantly refreshing the last few minutes of an auction and watching the bidding rise.
Eventually I ran out of items to sell, but I wanted more so I purchased some wholesale lists for all sorts of different items, such as DVDs, clothes and electronic items.
My plan was to use my £300 to buy more items in bulk and then sell the items on eBay for more money. I researched so many different wholesalers trying to find products I could sell and make a profit, but in the end I didn’t have the guts to part with such a significant amount of money.
Then I realised that I’d accumulated the details of so many different wholesalers that I decided to create my own lists of the best for all sorts of different niches – such as DVD Wholesaler Lists, Designer Clothes Wholesaler Lists and iPod Wholesaler Lists.
I put these lists on eBay at prices from 99p to £4.99. On a bad day I’d get three or four sales and make around £10 ($16), but on a good day I’d sell 10-15 copies and make around £30 ($50) which was pretty good for a 15 year old.
I also bought some eBooks with resale rights and would sell these for low prices. After a customer purchased I automatically had the download sent to them and promoted a Clickbank product in the email. This was my first foray into affiliate marketing and I loved it.
Eventually I set up a website (after a lot of stress – I’m technically challenged!) teaching eBay selling and I wrote my first eBook called Hidden eBay Wealth which sold very successfully at $15 for a few years.
All of this gave me experience in selling, upselling, setting up websites, getting traffic, affiliate marketing, traffic generation and product creation and gave me a fantastic platform to kick on.
Q: What’s the best piece of “big picture” advice you would give to someone just starting their online business?
FOCUS is imperative.
Pick one business model, whether it be affiliate marketing, email list building, product creation or blogging, pick one and focus on making that work.
Don’t jump from idea to idea or website to website and don’t buy all the latest “instant money systems”.
Q:What would you tell people just starting out that they should focus on?
It depends on each person’s situation as to what business model they should focus on. If you’ve just lost your job, have a family to support and need to replace your income ASAP, then I’d suggest creating your own product, setting up your own affiliate program and spend every waking minute recruiting affiliates.
But if you still have a job and a few hours to spare each week, or if you have the luxury of not needing money right away, then I’d suggest blogging.
Being a blogger will likely take at least a few months, if not more, of hard work before you get noticeable gains but once you get your blog to a level where it produces income that you’re happy with, you really can live the dream internet lifestyle.
Plus, as a blogger you can incorporate all the other methods of making money online in your business. You can create your own product and sell it through the blog (something I’m in the process of doing for my health and beauty blog), you can sell affiliate products, you can build email lists, you can gnat ad revenue and much, much more.
If you blog about something you are interested in, then you’ll never get bored.
Q:What motivates you to keep going and become even more successful?
I’m a big believer that “success breeds success”. If you reach one small goal, such as making $10 in a day, then that will motivate you to go and reach your next goal.
My motivation at the moment is just to beat the previous month.
If I can grow my traffic every single month then I’ll be very, very happy. I’ve increased traffic to my blog every month since December. In December I got 6,126 visitors to my blog, traffic has risen every month since and last month (May) I got 58,551 visitors in the month.
There are also the motivations that everyone else has, such as the ability to buy nice things, to take luxury holidays and just not to worry about money. In the early days, my biggest motivation was just to prove the negative people wrong!
Q:What is your favorite software tool that you use in your business and why?
I use very few tools in my business. To run my blogs I simply use WordPress which is free, a couple of premium themes and a few plug-ins (mainly free ones).
I also have an Aweber account which I use to manage my email lists.
Most of the processes I undertake are manual. I don’t do automated directory submissions, or mass article distribution, or anything that Google might frown upon – which is why I was surprised my blog took such a punishment in the Google Panda update.
To see all the tools and plug-ins I use to set my blogs up and make money from them take a look at my Ultimate Bloggers Toolkit page.
Q:How much of your time do you dedicate to: 1) self-education and learning new skills 2) generating new traffic, leads and customers for your business and 3) generating revenue?
I don’t dedicate specific times to any of the above, but I’d estimate that about 5% of my time is dedicated to self-education (more time was spent in my early days, though), 90% to generating traffic, leads and customers and 5% on generating revenue.
Revenue generation is already in place (such as Adsense ads, Amazon and affiliate links) so revenue is generated by simply getting more traffic – that’s why so much of my time is dedicated to that.
Q:You seem to teach mostly about traffic strategies… What is the top skill that someone needs to learn in order to always be able to generate traffic?
I’d say there are two main skills…
1. Creating content that people in your market want to read
2. Finding ways to get this content in front of them
Here are some ways to get the content in front of them…
- Build your distribution channels (email list and social following) and share it with them
- Get authorities in your market to share it with their distribution channels. I’ve developed a really clever way to do this and it enabled me to generate over 17,000 visitors to one blog post in just a few weeks by convincing other people that they should share my blog post with their social following. If you want to find out what this method is then download my viral blog post case study.
- Guest post on high traffic blogs and funnel readers back to your blog
- Increase your rankings in the search engines to capture more visitors.
Q:What traffic strategies are working for you right now, and are there any that will always work?
My two biggest and best traffic sources right now are Pinterest and Facebook.
To take advantage of Pinterest you need to have high quality images on your blog and you need to encourage your readers to pin your content. You can do that by having prominent “Pin It” buttons around (or inside) your images.
Here’s a blog post I recently published revealing five tricks to get more people to pin your content (because the more pins you get, the more traffic you’ll get).
I get traffic from Facebook two ways…
One way is my own Facebook fan page which is made up of close to 1,500 very engaged “fans”. I post 2/3 updates to these fans each day with a link to a blog post from the archive. Each update can send 50-200 visitors depending on how many people like and share.
The second way is by getting other Facebook fan page owners to share my content. People like to share good content and I’ve got a neat little trick to convince them to share my content which I reveal in my viral blog post case study report.
I also get a nice chunk of traffic from guest posting. In fact using only guest posting I got my blog to 1,000 visitors per day from Google alone. After Panda struck me, that dropped to just 200 – but I still get traffic from links in my guest posts.
QUICK TIP: Guest post on blogs with BIG Facebook followings (20k+). I noticed that the guest posts sending me the most traffic was because the blogger notified their FB fans of my guest post.
Q:If someone only has 20 minutes a day to use social media sites such as Facebook and Pinterest to get more traffic, what is the best use of their time?
First of all I’d make sure your site is set up properly.
For Facebook, make sure you have lots of calls to action asking your blog readers to like your page on Facebook  and have a Facebook like box in your sidebar of all pages. At the start of each blog post I try to put a paragraph like this…
Like Us On Facebook to get updates of new content, to take part in our fun and games and to win prizes in our competitions. 
If you can build a big FB fan page that will enable you to generate big traffic and give you incredible leverage.
For Pinterest, you need to make sure you have high quality images and display a “Pin It” button in prominent positions as close to your images as possible.
If I had just 20 minutes per day I would…
On Facebook:
  • Post 2-3 updates to my fans per day with links to blog content
  • Comment on other pages updates as my page rather than personal profile (good way to get authority fan page owners in your market to notice you and increases the chance of them sharing your content)
  • Seek out FB page owners with similar fan sizes and arrange a “content swap” (you share one of their blog posts to your fans, they share one of your blog posts to their fans while also “tagging” each other to grow each other’s fan bases.)
On Pinterest:
  • Pin images from around the web (including your own when appropriate)
  • Be active to get followers – e.g. repin images, follow people, like images and comment on them.
  • Similar to FB content swaps, once you have a significant Pinterest following, find other power users and arrange “Pin swaps” – you pin their content, they pin yours.
Q:Where can people go to learn more from you?
Visit my new blog at BigBlogTraffic.com where I reveal ALL the traffic strategies that are working for me right now.
Plus, if you’d like to learn my secret system that I used to generate 17,000 visitors to one blog post using OTHER people’s Facebook fan pages, then download Viral Blog Post Case Study…
Q:Final Words:
Thanks Nate and all the readers at StrayBlogger for having me. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and I’ll pop in and answer them :)

How to do Market Research for Amazon Affiliate Sites

In this session I’ll show you how to do market research for Amazon affiliate products that you want to promote. There are a few different ways to check competition and find out what keywords are best to build a site and pages around.
When it comes to looking for keywords to build your site and pages around, there are two ways to do it: You can either build pages around specific product names and try to rank those type of pages, or you go after related keywords that people that are more general. I highly prefer the second approach, and I’ll show you what I mean in this video…
Watch the video to the end, I find some awesome keywords…
So… as you saw in the video, the type of keywords I like are aren’t super-specific product name keywords. I like stuff more like “best home treadmills” versus “precor 2100sxf straightline treadmill”. You can definitely put up specific product pages, but the general keywords can add a whole other layer to your Amazon sites.
Market Samurai: As you saw in the video, I used Market Samurai to do the keyword research. Again, I still think it’s the best keyword research tool out there, especially for the price(one-time vs. monthly), and if you’re serious about building these sites or any sites based around keywords, you should pick it up. One thing I see is that people try to make using it way too complicated. It will give you a ton of data, a lot of which I don’t even really understand, but like you saw in the video, there are only a few key things I want to know… mainly how many exact monthly searches and the SEOTC number.
Numbers to look for in Market Samurai:
  1. For the root keyword phrase to base your domain name around, you should look for a exact monthly search volume of at least 800, with an SEOTC of less than 20,000.
  2. For any other page on your site, it’s worth your time to build a page for any relevant keyword phrase that gets at least 150 exact match searches, with an SEOTC of less than 10,000
  3. How’s that for simple?
Like I’ve said in the previous trainings, I think it’s best to decide on a category of products to choose because I want to find at least 20-30 keyword phrases that fit my requirements. This means of course that I will be building one page for each keyword phrase, which will result in 20-30 pages for a site.
Another thing to point out is that in general, whether you’re doing an Amazon site, an Adsense site, or a Clickbank affiliate site, instead of building 30 pages right off the bat on a new site, start 3-5 sites with 5-6 pages each and see which ones are doing the best after a few weeks, and then go back to those and spend your time, money, and energy working to build more content and backlinks to them.

How to Get Started With the Amazon Associates Affiliate Program

This is actually the first of a series of posts I’m going to make on how to use Amazon.com’s Associates program to generate income from anything from a simple website, to a big and beefy authority site. When you look at the volume of sales that Amazon does, it’s staggering… Especially compared to sites like Clickbank. A lot of people make a lot of money from digital products on Clickbank, but just in terms of numbers and getting your piece of the pie, Amazon has a much, much bigger pie to try and get a piece of.
[Update: Since this post was put up, I did an interview with Erica Stone on Amazon that's better than most paid courses on Amazon. Read it here...]
Note: the links to the different trainings will be posted below as I complete them… be patient.

I have a few Amazon affiliate sites, and together they make between $1,000 and $2,000 a month, but as the pages are starting to rank well and sales are going up, I am really liking the passive nature of these Amazon affiliate sites; so I’m planning on building a lot more and making the ones I do have into big authority sites.

Here are a few reasons why I like Amazon’s affiliate program:

  • People trust Amazon, and everyone has used it before: Everyone has bought stuff from Amazon.com, and most likely they have their credit card information saved so that future purchases are even easier. This is a huge plus to you as an affiliate.
  • It’s super easy to write about the products. They give you all of the information you need to write great reviews about the products, not to mention the reviews from real customers provide gold nuggets of information that you can include in your reviews to make them even better.
  • The conversion rate: Amazon’s conversion rate is wayyyy higher than you’ll get promoting a Clickbank product. The nice thing about it is, Amazon is known for constantly testing their pages to increase conversions, which just makes your job easier.
  • No customer service. Amazon affiliate sites are nice because they don’t require any extra time besides the time it takes to create them. You get traffic, send the traffic to Amazon, and you make commissions.
  • Tons and tons of products to choose from. One of the things I really like, is that you get the same commission percentages even when someone buys a product from an external seller on Amazon.
  • You get commissions for whatever people buy while they’re there. When I look at the items I’ve made commissions from, almost half of them are things I don’t promote whatsoever on my sites.
My goal with this series of posts is put together a free resource that is as-complete and as high-quality as any paid product out there. So, I’ll be starting from the ground up, and there will probably be some things covered that are very basic and that you might already know… bear with me. Here are the topics my future posts are going to cover (I’ll make them links as I put up the pages):
As you might have noticed, my posting schedule here on Strayblogger is irregular to say the least, so my plan for outlining some posts in advance like this will help me post more consistently.
And, I’ll graciously accept tips, questions, and criticisms you have along the way- just post them in the comments. Thanks!


SEO Backlinks 101: Exactly How to Build Backlinks to any Page, Post, or Video

how to build backlinks in 2012
I don’t know why I’ve never done this post before… detailing exactly how I build backlinks to every page or post or video that I create for one of my sites. I’m also going to show you exactly how I keep track of my different pages, and how I track the rankings of my pages so that I can go back and build more backlinks if I have to.
Note: I will update this post whenever I change how I build backlinks, so whatever you read on this page, it’s my exact current backlinking methods… you’re welcome.
Updated August 2012: 
As you might have experienced yourself, getting your main domain and home page ranked for it’s main keyword phrase is a lot easier than getting your inner pages ranked for their individual keywords. I struggled for a long time trying to figure out the most cost-effective way(in both time and money) of building backlinks to each individual page that I created… sometimes it’s tempting to just keep building pages because backlinking is so boring, but if each page that you create isn’t generating any traffic for you, you’ve completely wasted your time in even creating it. So, one page that you’ve effectively built backlinks to is worth 10-100x more than 10 pages without any backlinks built to them.
Okay… let’s do this:

Steps to Effective SEO Backlinks: Exactly How to Build Backlinks Correctly

Setting up Your SEO and Backlinking System: Before you even get started, you should have document, spreadsheet, or some way of tracking each site, page, or URL you are trying to move up the search engine rankings.
The reason you do this is, SEO is a function of actions taken over time. So, you should be tracking exactly what you do for each property you build backlinks to, so that you have a record of what you’ve done when something starts working for you.
I’ve always used spreadsheets, but lately I’ve been using Evernote, which I like much better. Evernote is free, and it is awesome for a lot more stuff then just this. You can set each site as a ‘notebook’ in Evernote, and then each specific URL as a ‘note’, and within that note you simply keep a record of what backlink services and submissions you’ve used, and over time you’ll gather very valuable data that you can use to repeat your results.
Step 1: You need your on-page stuff done correctly before you build any backlinks. So, you should have your keyword phrase in your page title, the URL, the first paragraph(or ‘description’ if you’re using the Platinum SEO plugin), and at least once in a heading tag, preferably an H1 tag. That part is something you probably already knew.
A word on anchor text: If you haven’t heard this before, you need to vary your anchor text big time. Don’t build every link with your main keyword in it. If your main keyword is dog training, then you’ll want to build links with anchor text like “dog training tips”, “how to train your dog”, “how to train a dog”, “dog obedience”, “click here”, “visit our site here”…. and so on. An easy way to get a lot of anchor text variation is to just look up your keyword in the Google keyword tool… that will give you hundreds of related terms.
Step 2(optional): If you’ve read through much of my stuff, you know I like to create a Youtube video for each page/post/article that I make for one of my sites. Use common sense- if a video won’t really enhance the specific content than skip it. All of my videos are very simple powerpoint-style videos that are really easy to make. Once I’ve uploaded the video to Youtube, I use the first line of the video description to link back to the exact page that I based the video on. Then, I will embed the video back on the original article page on my own site. This will increase visitor engagement which will give you a higher avg. time on site, and a lower bounce rate when someone lands on one of your pages. The other big benefit is that you can build backlinks to the Youtube video itself and claim another spot in the top 10 Google results.
Step 3: I take my article, and I spin it using Spin Rewriter. Regardless of what your opinion of spinning is, it works. You take an article you’ve written or had written, and you create a spun version, and then you essentially have unlimited unique content to use for backlinking and creating buffer pages. Spin Rewriter’s one-step function works surprisingly well, and you might find that it’s faster to just click that button and then fix 2 or 3 mistakes for each version it spits out that you’re going to use.
Step 4: One Social Monkee submission. Even with their free account you can get 25 submissions a day, which is great. I use their Premium account, which lets me submit three urls a day, and I can have the links drip fed over 14 days. This gets your page indexed quickly so that your UAW submission can be as effective as possible.
Sidenote: I highly recommend you use a spun title and description for Social Monkee and Social Adr submissions. Again, this is very easily done with Spin Rewriter. You can use the same spun version for both services since the submission process is almost identical.
Step 5: Social Adr submission. This is something new I’ve been using, and I really like it. I have a ‘lazy’ account, which mean’s it’s paid, but they also have a free version where you can earn credits by bookmarking other people’s submissions.
Another Sidenote: I get asked all the time about the fact that most of the links from these link services are PR0 or PR1, and that’s true. But you need a lot of links like that. You can’t just have 500 PR5 links pointing at your site… that’s a clear signal to Google that you’re buying high-powered links.
Step 6: Building buffer pages on free blogs and Web 2.0 sites. You can take versions of your spun article and quickly create posts on free blogs like Blogger, WordPress.com, LiveJournal, as well as on Web 2.0 sites like Squidoo and HubPages. Then, do a UAW submission to each of those, and obviously within the buffer page content you link back to your main site, using varied anchor text of course.
Step 7: Blog comments. I don’t use software or anything crazy to do this… I just search for blogs on the topic that allow comments, and I’ll leave real comments. I aim to do 5-10 for each article I’m working on. I use my pen name for that site… I don’t enter my name as “best cocktail sauce” or whatever my keyword is.
Step 8-One Week Later: A Unique Article Wizard submission. UAW is an indispensable part of my backlinking strategy. It’s kind of the opposite of BMR, in that it gives you a lot of backlinks, usually several hundred, from just one submission. These backlinks however, aren’t nearly as high quality as BMR backlinks. But, despite what people say, the more backlinks the better, and this just diversifies the backlinks pointing back to your page.
To do a UAW submission, you write 3 versions of a 300 word article that each have the same number of paragraphs, and then the “wizard” spins the paragraphs together to give you a ton of different versions of your article. Then the articles are sent out to the massive directory of article networks that UAW submits to, resulting in a bunch of backlinks to your page. Make sure that you set the number of submissions each day to 1… yes, 1 as in one. The nice thing about UAW, is you can link to 2 web properties in your resource box, and so I use each submission to link back to my article, and then to the Youtube video I’ve made for that article.
For some reason, UAW links work incredibly well for Youtube videos- pretty much every Youtube video I’ve made for one of my niche sites that I’ve linked to from UAW ranks in the top ten for it’s keyword phrase- sometimes not in the top ten of Google results, but always in the top 10 if I search in Youtube itself, which is just another traffic avenue for your site.
UAW UPDATE: UAW now includes a service called ‘Social Exchange Wizard’. It’s similar to Social Adr, but more powerful because it only deals with getting your articles Tweeted, Liked on Facebook, +1′d on Google Plus, or your Youtube video getting a lot of views. It’s included in the price of Unique Article Wizard, which makes UAW hands down the best paid backlinking tool if you only pay for one.
Step 9: Wait 3-4 weeks. After I’ve written an article, I post its details and what I’ve done in my spreadsheet or Evernote notebook. Then, using Market Samurai’s ‘Rank Tracker’ module, I enter the keywords the article is based on so I can monitor the results. On the weekends, I take a few hours to check on the different articles that are 3-4 weeks old at that point, and I see where they’re at in the rankings. Most of the time they’ll be in the top 10 by then or at least approaching it. If they’re not really moving then I’ll do steps 4 and 8 again.
If you’re serious about building sites and getting pages ranked, I would highly recommend getting the full version of Market Samurai so that you can use it to track your rankings in one place, besides it being the best keyword finding tool there is. Also, to track your articles like I mentioned, I recommend you setup a Google Docs spreadsheet that looks like this:
 Other random tips: Personally I have seen a big difference in how easy it is to get an inner page ranked once the site itself has 30+ pages of content on it. Another thing that seems to make a difference is adding an article at least every 2 weeks. So, if you have a site that’s doing well, it is well worth your time to build it up beyond 30 pages, and then to at least come back and add a page every two weeks.


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