Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

How to do Market Research for Amazon Affiliate Sites

In this session I’ll show you how to do market research for Amazon affiliate products that you want to promote. There are a few different ways to check competition and find out what keywords are best to build a site and pages around.
When it comes to looking for keywords to build your site and pages around, there are two ways to do it: You can either build pages around specific product names and try to rank those type of pages, or you go after related keywords that people that are more general. I highly prefer the second approach, and I’ll show you what I mean in this video…
Watch the video to the end, I find some awesome keywords…
So… as you saw in the video, the type of keywords I like are aren’t super-specific product name keywords. I like stuff more like “best home treadmills” versus “precor 2100sxf straightline treadmill”. You can definitely put up specific product pages, but the general keywords can add a whole other layer to your Amazon sites.
Market Samurai: As you saw in the video, I used Market Samurai to do the keyword research. Again, I still think it’s the best keyword research tool out there, especially for the price(one-time vs. monthly), and if you’re serious about building these sites or any sites based around keywords, you should pick it up. One thing I see is that people try to make using it way too complicated. It will give you a ton of data, a lot of which I don’t even really understand, but like you saw in the video, there are only a few key things I want to know… mainly how many exact monthly searches and the SEOTC number.
Numbers to look for in Market Samurai:
  1. For the root keyword phrase to base your domain name around, you should look for a exact monthly search volume of at least 800, with an SEOTC of less than 20,000.
  2. For any other page on your site, it’s worth your time to build a page for any relevant keyword phrase that gets at least 150 exact match searches, with an SEOTC of less than 10,000
  3. How’s that for simple?
Like I’ve said in the previous trainings, I think it’s best to decide on a category of products to choose because I want to find at least 20-30 keyword phrases that fit my requirements. This means of course that I will be building one page for each keyword phrase, which will result in 20-30 pages for a site.
Another thing to point out is that in general, whether you’re doing an Amazon site, an Adsense site, or a Clickbank affiliate site, instead of building 30 pages right off the bat on a new site, start 3-5 sites with 5-6 pages each and see which ones are doing the best after a few weeks, and then go back to those and spend your time, money, and energy working to build more content and backlinks to them.


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